What will occur if you consume one banana each day

What will occur if you consume one banana each day
What will occur if you consume one banana each day

What will occur if you consume one banana each day

What will occur if you consume one banana each day Bananas have been known to be an extremely healthy snack option that's packed with lots of vitamins and nutrients but have you ever wondered what happens to your body if you eat a banana every day over 100 billion bananas are produced every year with that many bananas in circulation. It's no wonder that there are many health benefits associated with this popular fruit this tasty fruit is actually a nutritional Powerhouse that's packed with fiber and is naturally fat-free and cholesterol free it is true that.


 What will occur if you consume one banana each day If you eat one banana a day for 30 days your life will change for the better but not necessarily in the way you're thinking bananas pack a healthy punch with 10 percent of an adult's recommended daily calorie intake along with nearly 30 percent of their daily vitamin C requirement there are also so many other benefits to eating bananas some of which are overblown or not really proven but what does the science actually say before we proceed please note that everything mentioned in this Article is unbiased fact checked and reviewed by qualified health professionals with that said let's jump in and talk about the Seven health benefits of bananas and in the last we'll talk about which banana is better for your health.


 What will occur if you consume one banana each day Number one your energy level increases the potassium contained in bananas protects your muscles from cramps and the carbohydrates provide you with enough energy to endure a heavy workout it's hard to believe but the energy you get by eating two bananas is enough for a 90-minute workout.


What will occur if you consume one banana each day
What will occur if you consume one banana each day

 What will occur if you consume one banana each day Number two improves your digestive system bananas are easily digested and don't irritate the gastrointestinal tract resistant starch contained in bananas is not digested and ends up in large intestine where it serves as an effective nutritional medium for healthy bacterias bananas can be eaten when a person has gastritis and they restore the mineral lost when a person suffers from diarrhea also bananas are naturally antiacid so eating two Bananas a Day can lessen the heartburns symptoms.


What will occur if you consume one banana each dayNumber three your stress level Falls it's widely known that bananas can improve your mood they contain tryptophan which is required by your body to receive serotonin also known as the happiness hormone on average each banana contains around 27 milligrams of magnesium helps your heart muscles and immune system function properly also this mineral is responsible for producing a good mood and healthy sleep, as a result, it makes you feel more relaxed and happier.


 What will occur if you consume one banana each day Number four help you lose weight bananas are rich in fiber which makes you no longer want to eat once consumed bananas also contain a kind of starch that reduces your appetite and stops you from gaining weight it reduces the level of sugar in your blood and raises your body's sensitivity to insulin if your body cells aren't sensitive to insulin they can't absorb glucose and your pancreas begins to produce it in larger quantities whether the body accumulates fat depends on the 11 percent also weight loss is one of the most effective changes for controlling blood pressure.


What will occur if you consume one banana each day
What will occur if you consume one banana each day

What will occur if you consume one banana each day Number five good for teeth since bananas contain pectin which can help fight cavities by reducing blood buildup on your teeth according to the American Dental Association bananas also contain silica Aid and phenolic compounds that helps prevent tooth decay the vitamin B6 they contain may also help in preventing gum diseases and heal wounds in the mouth if you're suffering from dry mouth or oral irritation try eating a banana just make sure not to eat one if it's unripe as it could cause heartburn.


What will occur if you consume one banana each day Number six bananas support heart health in addition to being beneficial for weight loss bananas can help reduce your risk of heart disease the American Heart Association reports that heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States cardiovascular disease accounts for more than 10 lakh deaths each year bananas are an excellent source of many Nutri audience that promote good heart health they are high in soluble fiber which has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels by binding bile acids which prevents them from being reabsorbed back into the body a study found that people who consumed more than 240 milligrams of magnesium by eating magnesium-rich foods such as bananas had significantly lower levels of C-reactive protein.


 What will occur if you consume one banana each day' which is an inflammatory marker linked to heart disease now let's talk about types of bananas over 90 percent of the calories in bananas come from carbs as the bananas ripen the starch in it turns into sugar for this reason unripe green bananas are high in starch and resistant starch wild ripe that is yellow bananas contain mostly sugar bananas also contain a decent amount of fiber and are very low in protein and fat many different types of bananas exist which causes the size and color to vary a medium-sized 118 grams banana contains about 105 calories.




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